28 February 2012

Giving aid to China

Nice to see little old Australia doing its bit to build the economy of the 21st century's next superpower, China.

National emblem of the People's Republic of ChinaImage via Wikipedia

The AusAID site states:

The Australian Government, through the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), has provided almost 30 years of development assistance to China.

Isn't that re-assuring! 

Perhaps, thought, it might just be time for our politicians to accept the obvious fact -- that giving aid to China is simply not in our long-term, geo-political interests.  Far from it: the new China represents a growing threat to Australia's security, independence and identity, one that we should hardly be financing.

For those who care to think beyond the rhetoric and short-term decision-making, this is yet more evidence that we are ruled by a traitor class that has no regard for identity or sovereignty, but simply rules in the interest of high finance and globalist ideology.

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